
Design-driven Cyclical Impact™

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Interconnection Drives
Business Success

Design Thinking — not only aesthetic execution but creative approaches — is at the core of all my work. The impact is assessed and created through this bi-directional, interconnected system of three elements: business, brand, and product — which I have named Design-driven Cyclical Impact™.

I audit, develop insights about, identify opportunities for, and build impact through designing business and product systems.

I always start by looking at a brand—what it stands for, how much public recognition it has (and if it’s positive), whether its internal expectation has parity with public perception, how consistently it’s executed, and how well it’s expressed across the entire consumer and employee journeys.

From there, I look at the product-services, from interpersonal service experiences to digital interaction through websites, apps, marketing campaigns, and tools, to physical or environmental products… and whether the brand is expressed naturally, and consistently through them.

The coalescence of brand expression, revenue generated (business health), and product collections is the value created by meeting the desires and needs (or alleviating pain) of our audiences.

A design-driven system is dynamic and bi-directional, with products driving the evolution of brands, which affects and elevates businesses to their next level... driving and inspiring disruption.

© 1996–2024 Tyler R Walseth. All Rights Reserved.